Triple Pyramid with Shungite and led lights - 7" - 24 karat Gold plated
The ultimate grounding tool. Aimed at the feet we bring in the zero chakras, a chakra that easily shifts off to the side and can even be felt across the room. Within a few seconds, you will feel the synchronization and a re-alignment.
On areas of weakness (after surgery or accident or scar tissue) the auric field can appear grey. Use the pyramid to sweep over the weak area for as long as desired.
As a practitioner, angle the pyramid facing up slightly and move through the central meridian
Once you have done the front and back, come to the sides and point the pyramid towards the zero chakras at the feet and then zig-zag your way up the body. When you feel some heavier energy along the pathway, you are probably feeling an attachment, at this point do some feathering techniques pulling the attachment away from the body requesting both Devas and Ethers to go in for some healing.
Some of the Awareness Frequencies
that are Programmed into the Shungite
- Heart Mind: to build a stronger magnetic field
- Heart: Correction for bifractional echo
- Blood: Oxygen plus Iron 60 directed to Hemoglobin
- Collagen activation
- Telomeres: NAD, NMN & Niacin directed to the telomeres
- Bones: Calcium weave
- Endocrine Organs: connect and harmonize them
- Immunity Boosters: ie. Silver & oxygen raised to the 6th octave
- Neural Nets: energy to harmonize them
- Mercury Antidote: to the 6th octave
- Tree of Life for connection to Terra
- Flower of Life: the basic pattern for the unfoldment of creation
- Elixir of Life: Ambrosia
- Oxygen activation: through the Divinity Ring