Säijöna William Lizotte - 5th Dimensional Readings
Säijöna William Lizotte
(Medicine Man, Avatar, 5th Dimensional Master)
Channeled Readings:
I believe that the process of ascension begins automatically as we learn to open to the truth of our present experience and accept ourselves as we are, not as we wish we were or think we should be. Through my channelled readings, you learn your ways to the true ascension and healer within you. Bring your question's and listen to what you guides bring forth!
Start time: 11am-4pm (45min per person)
Where: 216 1st Street West, Cochrane
Value: $150
My childhood was a dark and painful time. Moving from foster home to foster home (16 in all), I was subjected to extreme levels of physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse. To survive, I disconnected from myself and from God. I lived a destructive street life until I received the gift of ascension. My transformational journey has led me to my true life purpose- to bring positive life force energies into the world. Now, I am pleased to use multi dimensional, cosmic unity, spiritual, esoteric and alchemic graces to help others transform and journey on their life path of self discovery.
I was born awake, with many spiritual gifts. My journey of search is over. My mission now is to travel, teach and communicate (channelling) energy information to create ascension formulas for humanity. I also communicate with other lightworkers around the world, sharing meditations and information. Together we are the difference.
Relying on the transformational formulas of spiritual metaphysics, I offer personal development consulting to individuals, families, groups, mother earth and mass consciousness by focusing on the spiritual, esoteric and metaphysical structures that we use to create our reality.
In addition, all private session works are available to share through my teachings, workshops and motivational speaking engagements. I will always customize a workshop or presentation to meet the needs of your group!